Love for Motherland

Value: Love, Right conduct

Sub-Value: Patriotism, Love for motherland


Rama while fighting the rakshasas killed Ravana. He rescued Devi Sita, and Lanka was relieved from Ravana’s misrule. It recovered its lost splendor.

One day, Lakshmana asked Sri Rama,” Brother! now that Lanka is relieved, why should we go back to Ayodhya? Let it be ruled by Bharatha. You can be the ruler of Lanka.”

Rama the embodiment of Sathya and Dharma replied with a smile “Oh! Lakshmana, however ugly one’s mother may be, one cannot look upon another lady as one’s own mother. Mother is sacred and so also motherland….”

He continued….” They have to be revered and adored. I have to return to Ayodhya, as promised, after completing thirteen years and carry out Dharma as expected out of me towards parents and countrymen. Let Vibhishana be crowned as the King of Lanka.”


Mother and motherland are very sacred and no one can replace them. One must learn to respect and love their mother and motherland.

(Source- Chinnakatha by Saibaba)


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